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My  Projects

Here's more about the projects I have worked on


Escape From Varroa


Escape From Varroa is a action survival horror game that me and my group mates made for our Final Year Project. You play as a captive of an underwater science research facility where you have to find clues and survive to escape the facility.


Mechanics/Stuff that I worked on:

Player character Behavior / Player character Interactions, Cutscene/Animations, building/implementing the world, importing art assets, saving system, game progression / game flow.



The challenges at the beginning of the development was that I was in charge of the player mechanics and because the team wasn't sure how or what the player should behave and act yet, I decided to program/structure the code for the player so that I could easily implement new behavior modules and remove behavior modules as well. 



I was satisfied with the amount of work that I had put into this game and although it was not nearly as optimized as I would have wanted. I learned a lot of new stuff while developing this game and I can say that I have grown a lot.

Rhythm Shooter.png

Rhythm Shooter

Rhythm Shooter is a pc game I made for one of my assignments. It is a rhythm game where you follow the rhythm of the game to survive. It is inspired by Crypt of The Necrodancer. So, the main mechanic of the game was that you had to time your movements and your attacks correctlly with the rhythm bars in order to actually move or attack, and if u failed to time it correctly the enemies would move 1 block closer towards you.



For this project I had a limited time to finish it, but the idea/way to implement the main mechanic was already solidified before I actually started to create the project. Due to the limited time and my limited experience at the time I did not implement any animations to the game.



 The game mechanics worked, but 1 missing component that I was planning to add was that the bullet that the player shot also followed the rhythm, as opposed to just continuously moving. If I would revisit this project i would add a lot more animations to the players and the enemies as well as the bullet mechanic that was just talked about.


Pong Pong


Pong Pong is a Stencyl game I created for an assignment. It is the same take as the old classic pong arcade game where either two player or one would bounce a ball off of their paddle.



For this project, I created an AI for the game if there was just one player playing, I created a very simple AI which had three levels of difficulty, easy, normal, and hard, how the AI worked was it would follow the Y position of the ball so it would hit the ball whenever the ball would come close to it. So how I implemented the difficulties was that I had a number variable that would periodically change it self randomly, and whenever the number was more than 5 the AI would stop following the ball for 1 second. So for each difficulty I would just decrease the 5 to it being smaller so that the AI would make an error less.



The game worked as intended to, as it was done in Stencyl the mechanics were very simple. If i were to revisit this project I would dabble more on the AI and would find more ways to implement its behaviors.


More To Come SOON...

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Blocky Blocks


Blocky Blocks is a mobile game I created for one of my assignments for a mobile game development subject. It is a 3D representation of the classic Tetris game. The main mechanics of the game were that a random block would spawn at the highest point of the grid, which would be the closet grid towards your screen, and after spawning you could rotate the block as it will slowly go down the grid. After that if you have filled 1 row of the grid then it would clear that grid and the blocks above that grid would move down 1 space, same as how Tetris would work.



For this project I had a limited time to finish it, but before I started creating it I already had 2 ideas/ways to implement the main game mechanic, but due to the time constraints I could only test 1 of the ideas/ways. 



The game mechanics worked, but still had some issues with it, if I would revisit this project I would try out the other idea/way i had for the main mechanic and also try out more ways to implement the main mechanics because i now have a more deeper/better understanding of game programming.

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